so not a lot has happened recently
i started uni, and i have like a ton of assignments so that's always fun. Work is just work
you cant really say much about that. Ive been watching a lot of youtube videos I'm weird
i love hearing about other peoples views on things in life and their morals. I guess I'm odd like that, what else. I guess i miss high school, people have drifted from me and I'm not sure i like that at all. Ive come to the conclusion i cant actually keep friends i have a tendency to loose them by the end of the year and i'm really not sure how or why that happens.
I have also been reading, other peoples blogs and i found one in particular, that had just the best wording and seemed to intrigue me by the first word. They new how to engage a person, and funny enough they are going to be a journalist. Well they are studying at the moment to be one. So i am going to upload some photos because i am bored and I'm going to keep at this blog even if it kills me.