the video at the top
my apologies for the really bad quality
i didnt realise how bad webcam videos would be.
oh well ill try to be better next time
sorry <3
Saturday, November 27, 2010
so i've been doing my usual
watching/reading fashion blogs till
i puke. The main issue that seems to be coming
up is bloggers being paid for their well..blogging.
Personally it doesn't bother me,the bloggers that i know
are being paid deserve it and i wish i was as talented/creative
as they are. However their are also people who just want the publicity
and want to do it for the money, i mean yeah it would be cool to say
you're job is to blog right? there's got to be some sought of line between
being who you are in a blog and just doing it for money.
watching/reading fashion blogs till
i puke. The main issue that seems to be coming
up is bloggers being paid for their well..blogging.
Personally it doesn't bother me,the bloggers that i know
are being paid deserve it and i wish i was as talented/creative
as they are. However their are also people who just want the publicity
and want to do it for the money, i mean yeah it would be cool to say
you're job is to blog right? there's got to be some sought of line between
being who you are in a blog and just doing it for money.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
so oh my god
i really want to start
a blog. However i have one
small problem, i am the most boring
unadventurous person you will ever meet
implying someone is actually reading this.
To that one person i must say
i love you i really do. I don't know where
this need for a blog came from, i guess its wanting
to be liked but everyone wants that don't they?
and when i posted this idea on a site they said
i'm lame and need to get a life, and not start some
lame blog. Well little do they know they inspired me even
more. So if you're actually reading this and have any ideas
on what this blog could be about dont hesitate to let me know.
ill give you lollies?
cyber lollies?
do they even exist?
okay see fail, i cant even stay on topic,
so hello/goodbye this one person, feel free
to insult me and this horrible blog
im trying to maintain
that is all thank you <3
so oh my god
i really want to start
a blog. However i have one
small problem, i am the most boring
unadventurous person you will ever meet
implying someone is actually reading this.
To that one person i must say
i love you i really do. I don't know where
this need for a blog came from, i guess its wanting
to be liked but everyone wants that don't they?
and when i posted this idea on a site they said
i'm lame and need to get a life, and not start some
lame blog. Well little do they know they inspired me even
more. So if you're actually reading this and have any ideas
on what this blog could be about dont hesitate to let me know.
ill give you lollies?
cyber lollies?
do they even exist?
okay see fail, i cant even stay on topic,
so hello/goodbye this one person, feel free
to insult me and this horrible blog
im trying to maintain
that is all thank you <3
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Swimming and other events yay
oh yes the swimming carnival
well that was a real fail.
We ended up getting in loads amount
of trouble
by we i mean
Nicole (my best friend)
Sarah and Tessa
and me of coarse ahaahah.
So i may as well explain what happend now
since ive decided to blog about it.
But it kind of sucks nobody reads this so whats the point?
oh wells
im going to tell myself anyways.
So we had fake blood and we were putting it on our
clothes and it went all over the bathrooms
and it was considered vandalism....
so we got in massive trouble for that.
Today was my first punishment out of the way
The red cross door knock. That was fun for a punishment
i feel really sick
i have a really bad headache.... sigh
and i need to study so bad i have like a billion sacs
here are some photos yay
oh yes the swimming carnival
well that was a real fail.
We ended up getting in loads amount
of trouble
by we i mean
Nicole (my best friend)
Sarah and Tessa
and me of coarse ahaahah.
So i may as well explain what happend now
since ive decided to blog about it.
But it kind of sucks nobody reads this so whats the point?
oh wells
im going to tell myself anyways.
So we had fake blood and we were putting it on our
clothes and it went all over the bathrooms
and it was considered vandalism....
so we got in massive trouble for that.
Today was my first punishment out of the way
The red cross door knock. That was fun for a punishment
i feel really sick
i have a really bad headache.... sigh
and i need to study so bad i have like a billion sacs
here are some photos yay

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Saturday, March 6, 2010
oh by the way this is from the Melbourne Storms yesturday 6/3/10
they were hectic, and i thought id upload some photos just to emphasise
how epic/bad it was.
a girl stereotype.....well more like boy but whatever
location: melbourne Australia
mood: sad/happy
music: It had to be you - Motion City soundtrack
so i suppose
you expect me to talk about my boyfriend
here....well i kind of am arent i? fail
Im sick of boys their really hypocritical
their all oh i dont like girls who are all
clingy. Well of coarse they are going to be
clingy if you dont talk to them for like 2
days and expect it to all be okay.
Thats crap who does that?
BOYS stupid boys, i hate living
wondering what he'll think if i do
this or do that. Fuck off il flirt as much
as i want to ill not call you, ill not txt
you see how you like it, i bet youll die inside
like i am ....-sigh-
so my conclusion boys are stupid and deserve to die
in a very long,deep black hole.
this is my little rant because i am super
annoyed at my boyfriend at the moment.
He's at Future music festival i hope it floods
and they all get wet or even better it gets cancelled
hah take that.
anyways its a Gorgeous sunday morning,9:27am
and its foggy and raining outside, quite romantic
makes me more depressed. God i am such a whingey
person i hate this go die boys go die.
Love hurts
love is something you cant explain
love is something you cant help
love love was designed to be mean
love is just not for me
im sorry
mood: sad/happy
music: It had to be you - Motion City soundtrack
so i suppose
you expect me to talk about my boyfriend
here....well i kind of am arent i? fail
Im sick of boys their really hypocritical
their all oh i dont like girls who are all
clingy. Well of coarse they are going to be
clingy if you dont talk to them for like 2
days and expect it to all be okay.
Thats crap who does that?
BOYS stupid boys, i hate living
wondering what he'll think if i do
this or do that. Fuck off il flirt as much
as i want to ill not call you, ill not txt
you see how you like it, i bet youll die inside
like i am ....-sigh-
so my conclusion boys are stupid and deserve to die
in a very long,deep black hole.
this is my little rant because i am super
annoyed at my boyfriend at the moment.
He's at Future music festival i hope it floods
and they all get wet or even better it gets cancelled
hah take that.
anyways its a Gorgeous sunday morning,9:27am
and its foggy and raining outside, quite romantic
makes me more depressed. God i am such a whingey
person i hate this go die boys go die.
Love hurts
love is something you cant explain
love is something you cant help
love love was designed to be mean
love is just not for me
im sorry
Wild At Heart
Mention love and suddenly everything starts thinking, really thinking, about who they are, what they are and how they are, it's like love is a force that defines us, constructs the insides of our bodies, it is the bones and muscles and tissue and maybe love isn't an emotion, or a product of the media or a chemical in our bodies, but an animal instinct, a motivation, and I don't mean love as in sex, I don't mean love as in needing someone I mean love as in wanting someone because we need every one and everything, we cannot choose what we need but with want, we have a choice. Love is the tug on your insides that tugs every animals insides. the drive, the motivation, the want, the want, the just be close to someone, to wrap yourself up in their thoughts and mistakes and fall asleep.
I've been asking everyone what it means, because I've been avoiding asking myself but it just is, with or without any analyzing and poking and pordding, it is even if no one ever defined it , it would still be. It is eternal, and it changes and evolves and grows and dies, it is an animal within itself, burrowing inside of us.
tuck it in, fall asleep.
this is not written by me but i found it
on someones blog called
Wild At heart
and it pretty much defines how i feel at the moment
apart from the fear which is eating me alive currently <3
what to type here.
I guess ill talk about myself
but no that's boring.
lets talk about how i feel at the moment i guess i cant really explain it, and it kind of
i'm supposed to be happy right? to be honeste i have the best boyfriend ever and i couldnt ask for
better and when im with him im the happiest person but i come back to melbourne i come home
i feel miserable.
i spend time with my best friend im happy again
but i dono i hate my life here, the thought of moving is getting better and better
but i can see my family hateing me for it
its bad enough they dont know ive done something thats full against our faith and eh
i can see my life spiralling out of control all because ive got a guy in my life
i just want things to be content
but some how i really dont think thats possible.
It also doesnt help that your mothers turned into a completly
different person and you dont feel stable around her
....god my life is fucked isnt it?
i want to move there so bad
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